Thursday, October 8, 2015


North Marion Parents

Article I: Name and Objectives
The name of this association shall the North Marion Parents, herein after referred to as NMP.
The objectives of NMP shall be:
1.      To provide activities and opportunities for enrichment for school age children and their families.
2.      To promote the welfare of NMSD students through opportunities, materials, and scholarships.
3.      To enhance support of school endeavors.
4.      To raise funds to benefit classes, clubs, and projects within the North Marion School District (NMSD).

Article II: Non-Profit Status
This organization is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code. 

Article III: Policies
Section 1: The objectives of NMP shall be educational and shall be accomplished through, but not limited to: meetings, committees, fundraising, activities, and projects.

Section 2: NMP is a non-profit organization that will not discriminate on the basis of sex, national origin, color, age, religion, marital status, or handicap.

Section 3: In the event of dissolution of this association, the assets shall be distributed to one or more qualified recipients with exempt purpose specified in section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 as from time to time amended. 

Article IV: Membership
Membership shall be open at all times to NMSD parents/guardians, grandparents, community members, students, and staff of NMSD interested in the objectives of NMP who will uphold its by-laws.  Membership shall remain free.

Article V: Officers and Elections
Section 1: The following officers shall serve as the Executive Board of NMP: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member at Large.

Section 2: At least one Executive Board member shall be part of each committee created by NMP, but not necessarily serve as that committee’s Chairperson, including any ad hoc committees.

Section 3: The Executive Board and Chairpersons, also known as the Leadership Team, shall be formed annually in May at the regular meeting.  This meeting may be attended by any NMP member and each member present shall have voting rights.  Any NMP member interested in running for a NMP Executive Board position shall notify the current Executive Board of their intent no later than one meeting prior to the regular meeting in May.  A candidate must win a majority of votes collected at the regular meeting to be elected.  Newly appointed persons shall assume duties at the last meeting of the school year.  The past term members shall acquaint the new team members with their duties, and pass on any documents, files, passwords, keys, etc. pertaining to that position.  Executive Board members shall serve a two year term in their elected position.  No officer shall be elected for or serve in the same position for more than two consecutive terms, or four years.  In the event of a vacancy, the position may be filled by a person approved by the Executive Board until the next election date.

Article VI: Executive Board
The duties of the Executive Board shall be as follows:
1.      To transact necessary business between scheduled meetings.
2.      To approve the plans and/or work of other appointed committees.
3.      To present reports at regularly scheduled NMP meetings
4.      To prepare and submit financial goals and statements for the fiscal year for approval by members.
5.      To approve payment of routine bills, and to disperse funds.  Check signers will be the Executive Board (excluding Treasurer and Member At Large).  Two authorized signatures shall be required on any check over the amount of $100.

All Executive Board members shall receive, read and understand, agree to comply with, and sign NMP’s Conflict of Interest Policy. (NMP Conflict of Interest Policy Article VI.)

Article VII: Duties of Office
Section 1: The President shall preside at all meetings, call to order, sustain order, explain and decide all question of order, announce all business, receive all communications, work with committees, state all motions, put all questions to vote and give results, decide a tie vote, and give his/her signature when necessary.  The President heads the Executive Board.  If the President is not able to attend a meeting, the Vice President shall assume the President position for that meeting only.  The President shall assign any extra duties, as needed, to Executive Board members. 

Section 2: The Vice President shall support the President and function in a learning capacity. The Vice President shall maintain a record of volunteers and their information, and make posts on Facebook and NMP’s blog.

Section 3: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings.  The Secretary shall submit a written report to the Executive Board and will read report to members at each regular meeting.  The Secretary shall keep up the bulletin boards of NMP and will make and disperse copies as needed to schools.  

Section 4: The Treasurer shall receive all monies pertaining to NMP, shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures, and shall pay out funds only in such manner as authorized by the Executive Board.  The Treasurer shall provide a written report on checking and savings activity and balances at each NMP regular meeting and will complete end of year financial reports.  The Treasurer shall prepare and file all appropriate tax forms and shall submit a financial record for accountants’ audit.  The fiscal year for NMP shall be July 1 through June 30.

Section 5: The Member At Large shall serve in duties assigned by President.  They shall generally observe and give recommendations as needed. 

Section 6: Chairpersons shall be appointed for committees, fundraisers, activities, etc. by the President.  Chairpersons shall form committees from general membership of NMP, as deemed necessary, to perform and fulfill obligations.  Chairpersons shall attend meetings and give reports as needed. 

Article VIII: Meetings
Section 1: Regular meetings of NMP shall be held monthly throughout the school year.  Notification of time and place shall be given prior to each meeting.

Section 2: The Executive Board may host a closed meeting as needed.

Section 3: Current by-laws shall be provided at the first regular meeting of each school year.

Section  4: Committees may hold meetings as needed.

Article IX: Committees
Section 1: Individual standing committees shall be created by the Chairperson and approved by Executive Board.

Section 2: The power to form ad hoc committees and appoint their members shall rest with the NMP members.

Section 3: All committee expenditures and activities must be approved by the Executive Board and noted in the minutes.

Article X: Parliamentary Authority
Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall be used to govern NMP in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not consistent, with rules herein stated.
Article XI: Amendments
These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present.  Provided notice of the proposed amendments shall have been given at the previous meeting and electronically posted to members with thirty (30) days notice. 

Adopted on: __________________

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